White Camellia in White Pot


Don planted a stunning, white camellia (Camellia japonica ‘Nuccio’s Gem’) in a white, glazed pot. The combination of a white flowering camellia in a white pot looks fabulous against a dark background, brightens up a dull area, and adds a touch of class to the garden

Camellia japonica ‘Nuccio’s Gem’

This is the Burke’s Backyard recommended formal double white camellia, because it is such a good performer (lots of other white camellias do not perform well, because they drop their buds or develop other problems). ‘Nuccio’s Gem’ has medium-large, pure white formal blooms, with a spiral pattern in the petals. The flowers are produced from June to mid-September. ‘Nuccio’s Gem’ will grow in most areas apart from the hot tropics and inland, and likes shelter from sun and wind.

Potting up the camellia

Like many fired pots, the white ceramic pot only had one tiny, inadequate drainage hole in the centre of the base. Don used masonry drill bits, roughly 6mm (1/4″), 12mm (1/2″) and 25mm (1″) in size, to drill additional holes. He gently and carefully worked his way up from the small to the larger bits, gradually enlarging the holes.

Once the new drainage holes were drilled, the pot was partially filled with potting mix so that the camellia would sit at the correct level. (Tip: never use garden soil in pots: soil will not drain properly and your plant will get sick, under achieve, or even die. Buy the best quality potting mix you can afford. Quality potting mixes display the Standards Australia ‘ticks’ on the pack.)
Rather than trying to lift the camellia out of the pot by its stem, which could damage the plant, Don tipped the pot on its side. He gently tapped on the outside of the pot to loosen the root ball (it may be necessary to loosen the root ball a little more by lifting the pot a couple of centimetres and giving it a sharp tap on the ground). An assistant then helped lift the entire root ball out of the pot and put it into the new pot.
Don made sure that the plant was upright and centred in the white pot. He filled around the root ball with more potting mix, taking care not to build the potting mix up around the trunk.
The camellia was positioned with its best side to the front, and watered in well. Don estimated that this plant would grow happily in the same pot for at least 10 years, as long as the potting mix is topped up roughly once a year. He also recommended feeding with a slow release fertiliser, such as Osmocote or Nutricote.

Further information

Our segment was filmed at:

Camellia Grove Nursery
8 Cattai Ridge Road,
Glenorie 2157
Ph: 9652 1200

The white pot was 55cm in diameter, and 53cm tall. It cost $150 and was purchased from:

Michelle Shennen’s Willoughby Garden Centre
132 Penshurst Street
Willoughby NSW 2068
Phone: (02) 9958 6631 Fax: (02) 9967 2596

If your local nursery does not have ‘Nuccio’s Gem’ in stock, they can order one for you, or try a specialist camellia nursery, such as the ones listed below. Expect to pay around $23 for a 200mm (8″) pot, $60 for a 300mm (12″) pot, and $240 for a 460mm (18″) pot.

Specialist camellia nurseries


Camellia Grove Nursery
8 Cattai Ridge Road,
Glenorie  2157
Ph: 9652 1200


Hawkins Gardenway
1666 Old Cleveland Road
Chandler, 4155
Phone: (07) 3390 1633
Fax: (07) 3390 1618


John Cole’s Nursery
Lot 5, Beenyup Road
Banjup, 6164
Phone: (08) 9417 9834


Newman’s Nursery
North East Road
Tea Tree Gully, 5091
Phone: (08) 8264 2661