Tips of the Trade


Don gave some tips used by professional landscapers that could be used in your own backyard.

1. Trick of the Eye Use vertical plants to frame views or features such as pools, ponds or works of art. If views or features are viewed this way the area will look much bigger than it actually is. This is a great professional’s trick of the eye.

2. Disguise Fences and ugly areas of the backyard. Lattice can be used to hide clothes lines, ugly tool sheds or service areas with bins etc. The lattice will screen the items behind it & the lattice itself can be made more attractive by growing climbing plants on it – either ornamental or useful such as passionfruit or espaliering suitable plants such as camellias or citrus. Fences can be hidden by using vines & climbing plants as well as tall plants. If fences aren’t visible the backyard will appear far bigger than it actually is.

Money Saving Wet Day Project for Kids or Adults

Shop bought vegies can have seeds removed which can then be grown. Chilli seeds. These are fairly dry seeds & can be flicked out and then either be planted straight away, or dried out for a couple of days then planted. Tomatoes seeds can be scooped out. They are wet seeds so need to be dried out on a paper towel on a sunny windowsill for a few days. If they are still attached to the paper towel they can still be planted that way. Pumpkin seeds can also be flicked out, then they can be planted straight into the ground where you want them to grow.

NOTE: If this is being done by children, always ensure knives aren’t dangerously sharp is using them to remove the seeds.

To plant the seeds, just fill a pot with potting mix then sprinkle the seeds over the top & cover them with a little more potting mix. Shoots should appear within a few days. Ginger can be planted too. If you have piece of ginger you can usually see some pointy protrusions on it. These are new growth points. Cut the piece of ginger into sections approx 7cm long making sure each one has at least one growing point. Allow these to dry out for a few days then plant them horizontally about 7cm deep in a warm spot.