Free Plants


There are free plants in virtually every garden in Australia. Clumping plants such as aspidistras and agapanthus can easily be chopped up and used elsewhere in the garden, given to friends or sold at the local fete. Don demonstrated the technique by using a sharp spade to divide a clump of zebra plants. As the clump was spaded apart, the plants were dropped into a bucket of water to minimise wilting and stress until they could be replanted.

Zebra plant (Calathea zebrina)

A lumping plant to 90cm (36”) tall. It has large, velvety striped leaves with reddish undersides. Zebra plants spread by means of underground roots, or rhizomes. They are easily propagated by division. They can be grown in a shady position outdoors in frost-free areas of Australia. They also make a good indoor plant in a brightly lit position.
Mini bamboo grove

Don decided to put some of the zebra plants in the tall pot he purchased at the bargain pot shop for $28. He carefully trimmed off the old and damaged leaves, then potted up the plants using bulk potting mix from the landscape supply yard. The potted calatheas looked just like a mini bamboo grove!

Copyright CTC Productions 2003