Foolproof Irrigation System


Foolproof Irrigation System

A common problem with garden irrigation systems is that by the time water reaches the end of a long line, pressure is lost and the spray heads don’t function properly. As a result, some of the plants don’t get enough water. Spray heads can also be a problem because they frequently block up. If you have a long line of plants to irrigate and spray heads get clogged up it can be a real nuisance removing them and trying to unblock them with a pin.

Smart solution

Don looked at a driveway planting of 70 liquidambars (Liquidambar styraciflua) being watered very effectively without using any spray heads at all! The system consists of a main line with thin spaghetti tubes running to each plant. On top of each spaghetti tube a small valve controls the flow of water. The main tap can be turned on and off by hand, or by a mechanical timer.
This system has several advantages:

It’s cheap, easy and almost foolproof.
Blockages are quickly and easily cleared by simply opening the valves.
You can see exactly how much water each plant is receiving.
Problems with water flow are so obvious you can spot them driving past in a car! This saves you having to continually walk the length of the line checking the system.

Further information

4mm in-line valves are available from specialist irrigation suppliers, and cost around $1.10 each. Pope timers are available from chain stores, hardware and irrigation stores. They cost about $20.