Cheap Plants


The cheapest and best way to buy plants is to purchase them in small pots known as ‘tubes’. Tubes are long and thin, with ridges running down the sides to encourage the roots of the plant to grow downwards, rather than coiling around the sides. Although tubestock is small compared to plants sold in say, 200mm or 8” pots, the plants not only establish more quickly but they grow more vigorously for their entire lives.

Buy in bulk!

You can save a huge amount of money if you buy your plants in tubes, particularly if you buy them in bulk. Tharwa Nursery in Sydney sells many native plants (including indigenous local species) and non-native plants in tubes. Don visited the nursery to compare prices and was amazed at the savings. For example, murrayas (Murraya paniculata) in 200mm (8”) pots cost around $17, but you can buy them in tubes for roughly one-tenth that price. Individual plants cost $2.30 each, dropping to $1.75 for 45 plants and $1.60 for 90 or more. Mini mondo (Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Nanus’) costs $2.50 a plant, dropping to $1.80 if you buy 50 or more. Japanese box (Buxus microphylla var. sinica) in 100mm (5”) pots cost $4 each, $2.75 for 100 or more.