Buffalo Turf


The most high maintenance part of any garden is the lawn, so many people are opting for lawn substitutes, such as timber decks or paving. Still, it is hard to beat the effect of a beautiful, green lawn.

Don believes the answer to the problem of lawn maintenance lies in the modern varieties of buffalo grass, in particular, Sir Walter, Shademaster and Palmetto. These varieties are vigorous, fast growing, shade tolerant and drought tolerant.

Sir Walter

looks good for most of the year-
crisp green in colour
disease resistant and shade and drought tolerant
copes well with herbicides and pesticides
grows well in all areas of Australia, except for coldest mountain zones and the arid inland
costs about $7-$9 per sq. m.


holds its colour well in winter
deep green in colour
frost and drought tolerant.
grows in sun and shade
grows in most areas of Australia, and is particularly good in coastal and temperate areas
expect to pay about $6.50 per sq. m.


grows well in the shade
tends to turn purple in winter
has a low disease tolerance
prone to fungus attack in humid weather
costs around $5-$6 per sq. m.

Further information

‘Palmetto’, ‘Sir Walter’ and ‘Shademaster’ are available from turf suppliers or nurseries. Prices may vary.

For a list of ‘Sir Walter’ licenced suppliers visit their website: www.sirwalter.com.au