Using Green



Bird’s Nest or Crow’s Nest ferns (Asplenium australasicum) are lovely plants which are easy to use in the garden. Don Burke suggests using them creatively in a jungle setting. Experiment at the local nursery by mixing around the ferns with some different plants to create an effect which looks attractive. In this instance, the jungle look was developed with some Kentia palms (Howea forsteriana), a Bangalow palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana), Philodendron ‘Xanadu’, which is a hardy plant and some Aspidistras (Aspidistra elatior).

Adding Colour

The Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum ‘Pablo’) adds some white and should be protected from direct sun. For stronger colours try Anthurium ‘Altar’ or the golden variegated Pittosporum ‘Creme de Mint’. Both of these plants require frost free areas.


Kentia palms start at $9.95 for 15cm (6″) pots, Bangalow palms start at $20 for 20cm (8″) pots, Philodendron ‘Xanadu’ in a 20cm (8″) pot costs about $21 and Aspidistras cost $21 for a 20cm (8″) pot. Peace lilies start from $10 for a 15cm (6″) pot. Anthuriums start at around $15 for 20cm (8″) pots. The golden variegated Pittosporum starts at around $14.95 for a 17.5cm (7″) pot.

Further information

Different looks can be fun in the garden. Check with your local nurseryperson to see what grows well in your area and in different positions in the garden.