


Tibouchinas, also known by their old name lasiandras, are native to south-east Brazil, where people use the massed purple blooms to decorate churches at Easter time. Here in Australia tibouchinas also make quite a statement in autumn, with their riot of purple flowers. Don looked at Tibouchina ‘Alstonville’, probably the best of the larger growing kinds, and Tibouchina ‘Jules’, a dwarf variety. Both plants were actually produced at Alstonville, on the New South Wales north coast, by the late Ken Dunstan.

Plant details:

Tibouchina ‘Alstonville’ (Tibouchina lepidota ‘Alstonville’)

Large evergreen shrub or small tree which usually grows to about 4 or 5 metres (12-15′) tall. The foliage is dense, and dark green in colour with a pale reverse. Violet/purple flowers are produced in late summer and autumn.


street, specimen tree brilliant late summer/autumn flower display long flowering

Tibouchina ‘Jules’ (Tibouchina ‘Jules’)

A dwarf evergreen shrub, growing to about 1 metre (3′) high and 1 metre (3′) wide. It has small velvet green leaves, and the purple flowers are produced from March to May. ‘Jules’ is the most sensitive of the tibouchinas to cold and frost.


tubs or containers in warm protected courtyards small gardens borders

Best climate: Tibouchinas will grow in most warm to cool temperate regions of Australia but are not suited to cool mountain districts, or the warmest parts of tropical Australia.

Care: Tibouchinas like a sunny spot and a light friable soil with plenty of moisture during the growing season. Prune after flowering or whenever necessary to promote dense, bushy growth. Their square stems are brittle, so they need protection from strong winds, especially when young.

Getting started: Tibouchinas are available year round from your local nursery with many potted plants in flower in autumn. They cost around $7.95 for 175mm (7") sized pots, and about $14.95 for larger 200mm (8") pots.