

Swainsonas are amongst some of the most interesting of the pea flowered plants that are native to Australia. Peter Valder looks at a rare species from central Queensland.

Plant details

Common name: Swainsona

Botanic name: Swainsona sejuncta

Climate: Swainsonas will not grow well in frost prone areas. Most species are found in dry to arid areas, although some appear in moister areas of cool regions.

Good points:

Has a wide range of colours; white, yellow, pink, orange and bicolours
Grows to about 1m (3′) and has a similar habit to the Darling Pea (Swainsona galegifolia)


Potted plants


Full sun and moderately fertile, well-drained soil.


Propagate from seeds or cuttings
Protect from frost


Swainsona sejuncta is a newly cultivated plant and will not be available for at least one year. However other Swainsonas are available such as the Australian pink swainsona, and the Sturt’s Desert Pea (Swainsona formosa).

The seed of several species is available from Nindethana Seeds PO Box 2121, Albany, WA, 6331. Phone: (08) 9844 3533 or fax: (08) 9844 3573.

Send a stamped self-addressed envelope for a catalogue.