Lomandra confertifolia


Grassy plants are popular these days but true grasses can be hard work to keep trimmed and looking good. Lomandra is an Australian native plant that is grass-like but is not a grass and belongs to the Black Boy family (Xanthorrhoeacea).

Plant details

Common name: Lomandra

Botanic name: Lomandra confertifolia

Climate: Will grow in most areas of Australia but is native to Queensland.

Good points:

Attractive dense grass-like foliage with a bright lime green colour and grows to 70cm (28″) wide and up to 50cm (20″) tall.
Small, hidden cream to yellow flower spikes in spring to early summer.
Hardy native plant, tolerant of dry conditions


Border plant in a native garden
Mass planting for large scale grass-like effect


Full sun to partial shade in extreme heat
Well-drained, fairly poor soil


Propagate from seed or by division and once established requires little care
Protect from frost


Lomandra confertifolia may be difficult to find but they are available from Kuranga Native Nursery, 393 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood, VIC, 3134. Phone: (03) 9879 4076 or fax: (03) 9870 7301. A 15cm (6″) pot costs $7.95. Orders can be made from the nursery but this price does not include postage and handling. Your local native plant nursery may be able to order plants in for you.