

Lavenders are members of the Lamiaceae, or mint family. These evergreen, aromatic shrubs are native to the Mediterranean region, where they have been used in the perfume industry for centuries. There are around 25 species and most have attractive, grey-green foliage and spikes of fragrant, mauve/purple flowers.


Don’s tips:

  • Lavenders prefer full sun and well-drained soil. If you live in an area with acid soil, add some lime to the soil before planting.
  • Don’t fertilise – lavenders don’t really need or like fertilizer – but they do love lime (Dolomite).  Applying Dolomite & trimming the plant after each major flowering will keep them flowering through most of the year.
  • Water for the first month or so after planting, but then don’t water very much through the summer.
  • Put some dried lavender prunings and barley straw into a mesh bag. Float the bag in your fish pond or dam to help get rid of algae