Grevillea lanigera ‘Mt Tamboritha Form’



Grevillea lanigera ‘Mt Tamboritha Form’

This plant is a densely foliaged, dwarf, spreading form of the woolly grevillea (Grevillea lanigera). It is sold as “Compacta”, “Prostrate” or “Mt Tamboritha Form”, even though it probably did not originate in Mt Tamboritha in Victoria. It flowers from March to December with showy bunches of pink and cream flowers resembling large raspberries. The leaves are grey green with hairy undersides, and are smaller and much more compact than those of the species. It is a very useful native groundcover, particularly for cooler areas of Australia. It also makes a good low screen plant, and is very attractive to nectar feeding birds. Grevillea lanigera and its forms will grow in a variety of soils, as long as the drainage is good. They can be planted in full sun or light shade, and are both frost and drought tolerant.