Dwarf Diosma


Dwarf Diosma

Coleonema pulchrum and its various forms are very popular garden shrubs, with their aromatic foliage and starry flowers. The old fashioned green dwarf form ‘Compactum’ is often overlooked these days in favour of its sport ‘Sunset Gold’, a dwarf golden form. ‘Compactum’ is in fact a lovely plant which flowers much more profusely than ‘Sunset Gold’.

Plant details

Common name: Dwarf diosma

Botanical name: Coleonema pulchrum ‘Compactum’

Description: The species has pink flowers and grows to around 2m (6′). ‘Compactum’ is a dwarf pink flowered form growing to 1m (3′), which is also sold as ‘Nanum’. The flowers are honey scented.

Best climate: Diosma will grow in all but the most tropical and humid parts of Australia.

Good points:

Masses of tiny pink flowers in late winter and early spring (July to October) followed by sporadic flowering throughout the year. Can be clipped and shaped. Fine, small bright green leaves which darken in summer. Fragrant flowers and foliage.


Unpruned plants can become rangy with less flowers Susceptible to fungal problems in late summer due to high humidity.


Good drainage and full sun are vital for good growth and lots of flowers. Lightly trim after flowering (October) and periodically through the spring and summer to encourage bushiness.

Getting started:

Plants are widely available all year round at your local nursery. They can also be grown from soft tip cuttings in late summer and autumn.