


Most gardeners think of cyclamen as delicate indoor plants. However they can be grown outside, and in fact occur naturally in harsh, rocky areas in the Mediterranean and Europe. The miniature wild Italian cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium), will thrive and multiply in a shady position in the garden. It is a very long-flowering, hardy species, which grows in both frosty and hot areas. The flowers are usually pink or white, and the leaves are patterned and marbled in white and silver.

Cyclamen persicum

The larger florist’s cyclamen and their hybrids come in a wide range of dramatic colours, from glorious clear reds through to purples, light pinks, whites, and all sorts of shades in between. They are available in different sizes, and some (particularly the F1-hybrid Latinia Salmon Flame) are perfumed, so give them a sniff before you buy. Florist’s cyclamen are usually grown as indoor plants and discarded once they’ve finished flowering. They may last another season if you put the pots outside in a dry place for the summer. Then repot them in autumn and begin watering when the new leaves start to appear. Alternatively, you could try planting them in a shady place in the garden.

Best climate: Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney. Worth a try on warm sheltered sites on the lower Mountains.

Good points:

beautiful flowers with reflexed petals in a wide range of colours when grown as an indoor plant they are a good alternative to cut flowers long flowering outdoors, they brighten up the garden in autumn and winter they have attractive, variegated leaves


Cyclamen grown indoors need plenty of natural light, for example near a window. Do not put them near a heater or near the fire. They like cool nights, and can even be put outside with the cat before you go to bed! Remove the spent flowers to promote further blooms.


Cyclamen are readily available from April to September at nurseries, florist shops and supermarkets. Expect to pay about $10 for miniatures in 115mm (4.5″) pots, and around $25 for large cyclamen in 185mm (7″) pots.