Camellia ‘Gay Baby’


‘Gay Baby’ is a cross between the hybrid camellias ‘Ruby Bells’ and ‘Tiny Princess’. It flowers from around early June to about mid September.

Plant details

Common name: Gay Baby

Botanic name: Camellia ‘Gay Baby’

Description: A miniature camellia with a vigorous, upright growth habit. Unpruned it grows from 3-5m (10-15′) tall. The leaves are small and green, with bronze new growth. The semi-double flowers are deep lavender pink and are borne in profusion along the branches.

Best climate: ‘Gay Baby’ will grow in most areas apart from the hot tropics and inland. In areas with alkaline soils (such as around Adelaide), camellias may need to be grown in containers with potting mix for acid loving plants.

Best look:

hedge screen


beautiful deep lavender pink flowers vigorous, upright bush dense green foliage with bronze new growth


Camellias prefer a slightly acid, humus rich soil with good drainage. They will grow in either full sun or partial shade but do best with protection from hot sun. Fertilise in spring with camellia and azalea food, and mulch with compost (such as composted autumn leaves) or milled cow manure. Keep well watered, particularly when it is hot and dry.

Getting started:

Camellia ‘Gay Baby’ costs around $25 for 200mm (8″) pots. It is in stock at:

Wayne’s Home & Garden
70 Bells Line of Road
North Richmond, NSW 2754
Phone: (02) 4571 2036

Or try larger nurseries and specialist camellia nurseries including:

New South Wales
Camellia Grove,
8 Cattai Ridge Road,
Glenorie  2157
Ph: 9652 1200

Hawkins Gardenway,
1666 Old Cleveland Road,
Chandler, 4155
Phone: (07) 3390 1633
Fax: (07) 3390 1618

South Australia
Newman’s Nursery
PO Box 10
St Agnes, 5097
Phone: (08) 8264 2661

Western Australia
John Cole’s Nursery
Lot 5, Beenyup Road
Banjup, 6164
Phone: (08) 9417 6164