Bouvardia and Stephanotis – Perfumed Plants


The good news first – both plants have beautiful white flowers with a marvellous perfume. The bad news is that they’re tricky to grow in many areas of Australia, and could well drop dead on you. However, Don thinks that they are both definitely worth the risk, and that perhaps it’s best to think of them as temporary plants. Grow them in the garden or better still in pots, and just enjoy that wonderful fragrance, fleeting though it may be.

Plant details

Stephanotis, or Madagascar jasmine (Stephanotis floribunda)

An evergreen twining climber with an open habit, which grows to about 2-3 metres or 6-10 feet. The waxy, white tubular flowers are perfumed and are produced from November to April. Stephanotis grows best in tropical climates such as Cairns. If grown south of Brisbane, it needs to be planted in a very hot, sunny spot, perhaps on a trellis against a brick wall.


floristry/wedding bouquets
perfumed garden
non invasive climber


tends to drop dead


Stephanotis needs a rich, well drained soil and a sheltered sunny position. It cannot tolerate frost. It needs a support to grow on, and should only be planted out and handled in warm weather.

Climate map: Stephanotis

Bouvardia (Bouvardia longiflora)

Tender shrub to 1 metre (3′) tall, with white, tubular, strongly perfumed flowers in December to late autumn. Bouvardias grow best in the warmer areas of Australia, and need protection from strong winds (their stems are very brittle) and heavy frosts.


shrub for perfumed garden


difficult to grow


Bouvardias like fertile, well drained soil, and a sheltered sunny position. Hard prune flowered stems in late winter to encourage new growth.

Climate map: Bouvardia

Getting started

Stephanotis will probably have to be ordered from your local nursery. Prices range from about $12-$30 for 150mm (6″) sized pots, and $40-$60 for 200mm (8″) pots. Bouvardia should be easier to find than Stephanotis – expect to pay $6-$12 for 150mm (6″) pots, and from $18 for 200mm (8″) pots.