Unclog Your Arteries


Unclog Your Arteries

Despite medical breakthroughs and modern technology, coronary heart disease and stroke still kill many Australians. They occur when a clot blocks an artery to the heart or to the brain. The arteries that carry blood to the heart are about the size of a drinking straw, so if your diet is poor and you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the arteries can become clogged with fat. The more clogged your arteries, the smaller the clot needed to block your blood supply.

Major risk factors for heart disease and stroke: too much saturated fat in the diet smoking being overweight not getting enough exercise too much stress genetic predisposal to heart attack or stroke

Can the damage be reversed?

Yes. While you can’t do much about your genes, evidence suggests that you can reduce fatty deposits in your arteries by changing your diet, and the results can show up in twelve months. There are at least two ways to do this: Go on a strict low-fat diet. Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you like, plus plenty of beans, wholegrain breads and cereals, oats, rice and pasta. You can include some fish, low-fat dairy products and a small amount of very lean meat. Avoid all fatty foods. Follow a Mediterranean diet. This is as effective as the low-fat diet, but easier. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, and plenty of bread, pasta, rice and anything made from cereal grains. You can also add nuts, olive oil and a glass of red wine each day. Eat fish once or twice a week because it contains omega 3 fats, which help prevent the formation of blood clots while you’re cleaning out the fatty deposits.


It is possible to unclog your arteries by changing either to a low-fat or Mediterranean diet. You will further reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke if you lower your excess stress levels, reduce excess weight, eat less salt and get plenty of exercise.