Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)


Name: Coriander, Chinese parsley, cilantro, ketumbar.

Varieties: Coriander can ‘bolt’ to seed quickly (ie, plant doesn’t produce many leaves but flowers early then produces seeds). This is a problem in hot weather. ‘Slowbolting’ varieties are available.

Appearance: Small clumps of bright green leaves with scalloped edges and a strong scent.

Growing conditions: Needs partial shade or full sun in welldrained soil. Best grown in autumn and winter. It’s a fast-growing herb, so make regular sowings to keep up a steady supply. As soon as plants bcome tall and open, remove them and plant new ones.

Size/spacing: Grows up to 50cm tall; space plants 20cm apart. Getting started: Grows easily from seed sown in late summer to early spring. Seedlings are sold, but seed produces best results.

Fertilising: Feed fortnightly with a high-nitrogen liquid plant food such as Nitrosol.

Watering: Regular watering needed to keep up rapid growth.

Harvesting: Pick leaves, or whole plant, fresh as required.

Maintenance: Prune off flower stems to promote growth and stop plants running to seed.

Storage: Best used fresh, but put plants into a glass of water in the fridge to keep for a few days.

goes with…

  • Garlic, onions, ginger, galangal
  • Chillies, mint
  • Lemons, limes
  • Tomatoes, avocados, coconut
  • Seafood, chicken, pork, beef

quick ideas…

  • Use every part of the plant: roots, stems, leaves, seeds.
  • Wash plants well before using, as they tend to trap dirt very easily.

Don’s tips

The main trick with coriander is not to grow it in summer, when it soon bolts to seed. Wait until the weather cools down, and it behaves much better. Coriander grows and sets seed fairly quickly compared to other herbs, so your best bet is to buy a packet of seeds, and keep on sowing some seeds every few weeks.