Plant identification and sales


Question From: 
Bryan Hazelton in  Caroline Springs,  MELB VIC


Nature of problem: 
Plant identification and sales


Type of Plant (if known): 


Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself): 


Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type: 


How often do you water the plant:


How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:


What type of plant is it:


How long since you planted it:


Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:


Is the plant indoors or outdoors: 


What other treatments have you given the plant: 

Upload photo if available: 
tree leaf and trunk pic.jpg

Other Comments: 

I’m looking for this Tree/plant,
I’m not sure what the name of the plant is but I have attached 4 photos?

It is planted along the front of the Victoria University building on Ballarat Road in Footscray which can be seen on google maps And I found it again at another location in Keilor on the Green Gully Road cutting on the north side.
Also seen it in a front yard of a home in Parkville on Royal Parade so they must be sold somewhere.

I think this plant may possibly be of a deciduous variety.
I thought they could be from the Curry leaf Tree family or maybe some sort of Tea leaf tree but they plants seem too tall unless they are approx 20years old.

Do you know of these trees?

Please let me know if you can’t open pictures,
I can send pic from my Iphone.

Look forward to hear from you,


Bryan Hazelton.
0412 020 995.


Answer: Sorry Bryan, I only got 1 pic and I can’t tell from that. Don