Don’s Expert Answers: Magnolia Tree- Yellow/Brown leaves


Question From:
Dominique in BOSSLEY PARK, Sydney New South Wales

Nature of problem:
Magnolia Tree- Yellow/Brown leaves

Type of Plant (if known):
Magnolia- White Flowers

Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself):
Tree was planted 12 months ago, I do get flowers in spring however the leaves are green/yellow most of the time

Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type:

How often do you water the plant:

How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:
8+ its in the middle of front lawn

How long since you planted it:
12 months, growth has been minimal

Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:
Dynamic lifter about 6 weeks ago

Is the plant indoors or outdoors:

Is the plant in a pot or in the ground:

What other treatments have you given the plant:
I have put Peat Moss around the base around 1 month ago

Upload photo if available:

Other Comments:
When purchased, the leaves were a very nice green, since being in the ground they have turned yellow/green. Growth rate is very slow.

Hi Dominique, This poor plant is winding down to die, but there is a chance of saving it…maybe 50%. For the time being, water the plant once a week for 5 minutes at least. Water shortage is almost certainly the main problem. In August carefully dig it up, trying to gently get all of its roots. I suggest that you pot it up into a pot large enough to fit all of its roots in, using Premium potting mix. Give it some Seasol to try to get the damaged roots to grow. Put the plant & pot in part shade until mid September, when it should go into full sun. Water twice a week from when you potted it up. Good luck, you will need it. Don