Don’s Expert Answers: ID for Weird Droopy Golden Penda


Question From: 
Tony Simmons in  Byron Bay,  Byron Bay NSW


Nature of problem: 
ID for Weird Droopy Golden Penda


Type of Plant (if known): 
Golden Penda???


Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself): 
Just need to ID it


Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type: 
Sandy / some clay underneath


How often do you water the plant:
3 times a week


How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:


What type of plant is it:
Weird Droopy Golden Penda


How long since you planted it:
1 week


Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:
organic fertiliser


Is the plant indoors or outdoors: 


Is the plant in a pot or in the ground: 


What other treatments have you given the plant: 

Upload photo if available: 

Other Comments: 
I own a weird droopy tree that I was told is a type of Golden Penda. It has the same leaves as a golden penda and the same seed pody things that hang in big clusters on the end of long droopy branches. It is conical shaped about 3 metres tall.

I would really like to know what this tree is, so i can give it the right food and water etc. It is my new toy and I cannot find anything about it online.


Answer: Hi Tony, Thanks for the photo – it makes my job so much easier. Your tree certainly looks like a golden penda (Xanthostemon chrysanthus). Just Google either name and there is heaps of info on it. The golden penda has greenish-yellow flowers and it is an Australian rainforest tree – perfect for your area & soils. It is best growing in the ground. Use a native plant fertiliser and water once a week for the first 6 weeks after planting it in a sunny position.  Don