Don’s Expert Answers: Fuschia not looking to swish


Question From: 
Grahame Merrick in  Hemmant,  Brisbane QLD


Nature of problem: 
Fuschia not looking to swish


Type of Plant (if known): 


Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself): 
Leaves and flowers dying or dead


Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type: 
Garden soil, fairly heavy


How often do you water the plant:
Every 2 or 3 days


How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:
At this time of year about 4 or so, a grevillia tree which gave shelter has been trimmed fairly hard so the sunlight is hot at present


What type of plant is it:
The trunk of the plant is about 2 inches in diameter and it is about 5 feet high, there are several layered branches (rooted) at base.


How long since you planted it:
2 years.


Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:
Worm juice horse manure , twice since planting


Is the plant indoors or outdoors: 
Outdoors facing east


Is the plant in a pot or in the ground: 
In ground


What other treatments have you given the plant: 

Upload photo if available: 
Stem of Plant approx 2inches diameter and about 5 feet high.jpg

Other Comments: 
The plant has shown no other signs of distress and the layered branches seem to be doing ok. We have been having some extended hot dry spells, with continuous hot winds. I have recently severed the layered branches from the trunk. The plant looks untidy, with branches all over the place and the top is bent over from the weight of this years’blooms etc. IT HAS TAKEN ME MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS TO GROW ONE OF THESE DELIGHTFUL PLANTS, I always tried to grow one from my grandmother in Newcastle but failed and even plants purchased in Brisbane didn’t fare too well,I DON’T WANT TO LOOSE THIS BEAUTY…
Regards Grahame Merrick


Answer: Hi Grahame,  I can’t see much at all on the photo, so I will have to make a guess. Get some Yates Anti Rot and apply it as directed to the leaves and the surrounding soil. It might be sunburn, so erect some temporary shade cloth over it until the end of March.  Good luck,  Don