Don’s Expert Answers: Concern about potential interference with conducting media within my property through root expansion being a deep rooting plant


Question From:
Paul in Aldershot, Aldershot International

Nature of problem:
Concern about potential interference with conducting media within my property through root expansion being a deep rooting plant

Type of Plant (if known):
Please can you advise what type of Yucca plant this is

Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself):

Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type:
Outdoor normal soil which is covered with plum slate

How often do you water the plant:

How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:
6 hours

How long since you planted it:
Neighbours Yucca 4 years but t could be longer as

Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:

Is the plant indoors or outdoors:

Is the plant in a pot or in the ground:

What other treatments have you given the plant:

Upload photo if available:

Other Comments:
I like Yucca plants but where they are planted near to your property in the ground there can be long term implications. My understanding is that Yucca’s can grow quite big and develop a root network with a wide radius coverage. You will see from this picture that it is only feet from my property.

My title deed to my property states that no deep rooting plants should be planted within 3 meters either side of the conducting media.

I look forward to hearing back from you Don, or from a member of your team.

Please note I am unable to upload a picture JPG. Please can you let me have your email address and I can attach the picture 4.05mb

Hi Paul, This problem can only be dealt with by a site inspection. A Qualified Horticulturist or Landscaper is needed. There are many details that need to be ascertained: depth of soil and and clay subsoil (if any), variety of plant, how vigorously it grows in your area, how deep any nearby services are etc etc. Do not rely on electronic media or Google for this problem. It needs a real visit from a real expert. Don