browning of foliage


Question From: 
Ellen Parker in  Isis Central,  Childers QLD


Nature of problem: 
browning of foliage


Type of Plant (if known): 
book leaf pine tree


Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself): 
browning of foliage


Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type: 
red volcanic soil


How often do you water the plant:


How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day:
all day


What type of plant is it:
book leaf pine tree


How long since you planted it:
3/4 years


Have you fertilised? If so, with what and when:
Only use Seasol


Is the plant indoors or outdoors: 


What other treatments have you given the plant: 
None except to shake dead foliage from branches

Upload photo if available: 

Other Comments: 
This is 1 of 2 pine trees planted within several metres of each other – the other pine tree appears healthy and is growing well.


Answer: Hi Ellen,  I am not sure that I would recommend the bookleaf “pine” (Thuja orientalis) for your area. They love the top of the Dandenongs in Victoria and like most conifers, they don’t love Queensland except for Toowoomba. True Pines (ie Pinus species) are somewhat of an exception, however; they are able to grow well in many areas. My guess would be that you have a foliage disease caused by either periodic bouts of too much or too little water. Try using a wetting agent and cross your fingers. Up your way a 50% success rate with Bookleaf “pines” is quite good.  Don