Don’s Tips: Trees Slow Death


Trees Slow Death

Have you noticed a lot of trees that are sick or dying?

Dead conifers like Leyland Cypresses, Spartan Junipers and even dead Pine trees.

Dead gum trees & wattles too!

These were killed by the decade-long drought that ended about 4 years ago.

What? You are thinking?? Well, trees do things very slowly. A severe protracted drought kills off a huge amount of the tree’s roots. The tree may still look great and alive, but it is so weakened that the onset of root and trunk diseases is very likely.

So, even 5 years or more after a severe drought, you may see trees just DROP DEAD!

The best thing is to water your trees really well during any dry period now: 30 minutes of sprinkling each tree each week.

Aerate the soil around them and water in some Seasol Super Soil Wetter too.

It all helps.

Hooroo! Don.