Don’s Tips: Summer Diseases


Summer Diseases

The steamy humidity that often occurs at this time of the year is quite bad for some plants as it causes fungus diseases.

Some plants get sudden dieback of the leaves which is caused by fungal root rot especially daphnes, banksias and West Australian native plants, proteas, avocadoes, boronias etc. Use Yates Anti Rot – it’s very effective in curing root dieback.

Other plants get powdery mildew that looks like talcum powder on the leaves of the plants. Spray with the very safe Eco Fungicide.

Frangipanis get rust disease and roses get black spot which are also cured by Eco Fungicide.

All of these sprays are harmless to people and pets:

Yates Anti Rot & Eco Fungicide.

Hooroo! Don.