Don’s Tips: Sprucing Up Bland Gardens



Sprucing Up Bland Gardens

Is your garden rather boring and bland?  Does it need a lift?

Well, never forget that all nurseries and plant shops sell plants in full flower these days.

There are geraniums, dipladenias, dahlias and the wonderful New Guinea Impatiens.  If you need colour on the ground – get some pansies or violets – the flower colours are stunning!  These New Guinea Impatiens grow in full sun and are spectacularly colourful.  They flower for most of the warm months too. Don’t forget that white flowers in a gloomy, dark area really cheer things up.

So, why not pick out any sad looking areas of your back or front yard and plant some potted colour there to cheer it up.

When you are selecting the plants at the nursery check that the colours all work well together and that they don’t clash with your house colour.

Time to cheer the place up troops!
