Don’s Tips: Saving Native Species


Would you like to do your bit for a rare and endangered native animal? You would? Great!

Now, what can you do?…

Well, if you plant the She-Oak also known as the Black Oak – this will produce cones for the endangered Glossy Black Cockatoo.  The Black Oak is an attractive small tree only growing around 8m tall.

Seeds from this tree – Allocasuarina littoralis – form almost the entire diet for the Glossy Black Cockatoo.

So, no Black She-Oaks means no more Glossy Black Cockies.  It’s that simple.

If you Google “buy Black She Oak” you can get plants or seed on eBay or from tree growers.

You can make a difference.

I planted Black She Oaks and the Glossy Black Cockatoos came & they breed one precious baby every year.
