Don’s Tips: Rocks In The Garden


Rocks in the garden

There is no doubt that rocks add enormous beauty to any garden.  They create wonderful feature areas and look superb beside ponds.

Wherever you can, when buying rock, try to use new rock salvaged from excavations.  Bush rock in the bush provides critical homes for reptiles, marsupials and many insects.  Taking bush rock destabilises bushland areas and is generally frowned upon, unless it is essential in land clearing for farms.

New rock can be aged by mixing up a slurry of clay and water and spraying or painting it on the rock.  Normal rock colour is mostly due to microscopic lichens and other plants.

Never place your rocks upright on garden edges.  This is called the “shark-tooth garden”.  All rock should be used as it is seen in nature: that is, half-buried and flat on the ground.

If you have ugly concrete or mortar areas between rocks, consider pressing moss onto the concrete to hide it.
