Don’s Tips: Old Husbands’ Tales #4 – Lawn Clippings Onto Gardens


Lawn Clippings

Today’s Old Husband’s Tale is that it’s fine to put fresh lawn clippings onto the garden around your plants.

This is just a bad thing to do. The grass clippings shed water, keeping the soil underneath quite dry. They also give ammonia and other gases which can harm plant roots.

What you should do is put the clippings onto the compost heap. You need two compost bins – one to be fermenting away ready for use and the other one that you are currently putting fresh kitchen scraps, dried leaves & grass clippings into.

If you only have one compost heap, you can’t get at the compost because the fresh scraps and clippings are always on top, in the way.

2 compost bins, troops!

Hooroo! Don.