Don’s Tips: Moving Large Plants


Moving Large Plants

Last time we looked at bare-rooted plants for sale at nurseries.  Today we are going to dig up our own plants.

Many people want to move large shrubs and trees that are in the wrong place in the garden.

Now is the time to DO IT!

As a general rule try to dig a root ball about half as wide as the plant is high.  Dig a circle around the plant at this diameter, then dig down and under the root ball.  You only need to go down about 30-40cm deep.

Gently tilt the plant over to sever the last few deep roots.

You can drag the heavy plant on a tarpaulin or drop sheet to your new location.

Plant at the same height as it was before and water in with Seasol Super Soil Wetter & HEAPS of water.

Good luck & Hooroo! Don