Don’s Tips: Lawn Edges


Cutting lawn edges can be a real pain! BUT the edges of the lawn are critical if you want the lawn to look good. Cutting the edges also stops the grass from invading gardens areas.

You can trim the edges with a line trimmer (whipper snipper or whatever) and this works well if you have a concrete lawn edge. You can also use a sharpened spade to trim the edges.

There are specific lawn edging machines for people with large lengths of edges. These can cost about the same price as a lawn mower. They do an excellent job creating clean, crisp edges. But check your edge areas before buying one. Make sure that there are no irrigation pipes or sprinkler heads near the edges. These edging machines will destroy any obstructions in their way.

You can use glyphosate (e.g. Roundup & Zero etc.) for the edges – but this creates a messy-looking edge. And over-use of glyphosate can lead to environmental damage as well.

Plan the maintenance of your lawn edges – it really does matter.
