Don’s Tips: Hypoallergenic Cats & Horses


Hypoallergenic Cats

Last time we looked at false claims that some dog breeds are hypoallergenic. Some individual dogs seem to be hypoallergenic (that is, safe with allergenic people) – but no entire breeds are hypoallergenic.

What about cats?

There are some clinical studies that indicate that Cornish and Devon Rex cats, Russian Blues, Abyssinians, Balinese and Oriental short hair cats may be hypoallergenic to some degree. But you should still test yourself in the company of these cats.

Curly-coated horses are also claimed to be hypoallergenic. The evidence for this is sketchy at best – more scientific research is needed.

So whether it’s a breed of dog, cat or horse, claims that it is hypoallergenic should always be treated with caution.
Trust no one, believe nothing is the motto here.

Hooroo! Don