Don’s Tips: Humid Summer


Powdery mildew on a pea plant.

This summer has been periodically very humid in many areas of Australia.

This will virtually guarantee many fungal diseases in many plants.

Expect patchy dieback in lawns – especially in shady areas. Maybe try Eco Fungicide to stop its spread – this is only a form of baking powder.

English oaks, peas, roses, cucumbers, zucchinis and pumpkins all will get powdery mildew. Again, use Eco Fungicide – but not on the OAK TREE – it will drop its leaves in Autumn anyway, so why bother.

Root rot may be common in many plants. Daphnes, boronias, proteas, leucadendrons, waratahs, citrus and many others get root rot. Use Yates Anti Rot to stop it.

New research shows that lots of species of fungi in soils and in, on and around plants are very good for plants, people and the environment. So don’t go mad trying to kill fungi.
