Don’s Tips: Hibiscus


Pink hibiscus flowers

Some years back I visited Hawaii. Their Aloha festival was on and I saw hundreds of Hawaiian girls each with a hibiscus flower behind one ear.

This reminded me that hibiscus flowers make us all think of happiness and holidays.

Have you got any hibiscus at your place? They are dead easy to grow and they flower their heads off. The enormous flowers can be red, yellow, white, pink, orange – even bluish mauve or multi coloured.

If you have a tropical garden with palms – remember that hibiscus plants mix perfectly with tropical looking palms.

Hibiscus flowers are very good once cut from the bush. The flowers will last out of water for a day: perfect for scattering across your rooms in the house or for wearing behind your ear.

Behind the right ear means that you are right in approaching the lady but behind the left ear means that she is best left alone.

Hooroo! Don.