Don’s Tips: Garden Limes


Piles of lime

The various forms of lime plus gypsum are critically important to healthy productive gardens, yet most of the info put out about limes is utter nonsense.

Lime is almost totally misunderstood. Most lime never works anyway since it’s made up of small lumps of rock that don’t become active in your soil.

Most fertilisers are acidic (especially lawn foods) so you need lime to make the soil work properly and to make essential soil and fertilizers available to the plants.

Most lawns need liming but use the hose-on liquid lime called Eco Flo Lime. They also make Eco Flo Dolomite and Eco Flo Gypsum.

These micro-fine liquid limes are cheaper to use and work far better than powdered lime, dolomite and gypsum.

Gypsum is safe to use on all plants and it helps your soil to function.

Try out these new liquid limes.

Hooroo! Don.