Don’s Tips: Freebies From Seed


Freebies From Seed

We all love something for nothing.  Well scroungers, this is for you!

You can grow excellent avocado trees from the giant seeds in the fruit – even if they do take 12 years or so to produce fruit.

You can grow superb mango trees from mango seeds – these will be identical to the original fruit.

If you get a magnificent tomato from a shop or a friend, scoop out some of the seeds and dry them on paper towels. Sow the seeds & bits of paper towels in spring.

Grapes grow well from seeds (if they have them).

Apples grow well from seeds too as do peaches, nectarines and all citrus: seedling lemons and oranges are a lot of fun to grow and the fruit will be fine.

From seed, all plants have a juvenile period prior to puberty after which they produce fruit.  Tomatoes fruit within a few weeks, but fruit trees take from 5 to 15 years to fruit well.

….. and if you fluke a REALLY good one, you may become famous like GRANNY SMITH!! (who produced that wonderful apple!)

Hooroo, Don