Don’s Tips: Flowers for Picking


Flowers for Picking

Does your garden have flowers for picking? All great gardens do!

Roses, lavender, gardenias, daphne & osmanthus all are great flowers for picking for perfume. Hydrangeas are great for style. Poppies, daisies and the very trendy gerberas always give a cheerful & happy look to your home.

There is nothing better than strolling through your garden, just before guests arrive, to collect some beautiful flowers to place around the house. It makes everything more welcoming.

With some perfumed plants such as lavenders and roses you can cheat by getting essential oil from the health food store and spraying it around to accent the perfumes. The combined perfume of the flowers & essential oils beat room fresheners with manufactured perfumes hands down!

Little kids absolutely delight in picking flowers to give to their mum. Flowers picked from your garden are also wonderful to take as a gift when visiting friends. You’ll definitely become one of their Favourite guests.

Perhaps a special “picking garden” is a good idea for your place.

Hooroo!! Don.