Don’s Tips: Cuttings



Do you want to save heaps of money? Then why not strike your own plants from cuttings.

It’s not too late to try to propagate some cuttings. Try some really easy plants to strike like vireya rhododendrons, herbs like rosemary & thyme, fuchsias, frangipanis and gardenias.

Get a bag of propagating mix from your plant shop or mix 50/50 sand and peat moss. Cut the cuttings to a length of 10-15cm (i.e. 4-6 inches) and remove all but the top two leaves.

Place about 10 cuttings into your propagating mix in a 15cm pot and water well. Then enclose the whole thing, cuttings, pots and all in a clear plastic bag. An old shopping bag will do.

Place the bag and pot in a brightly lit but shady position. I like to put a U shaped loop of wire into the potting mix with the two free ends down. This serves to keep the plastic bag off the leaves.

Wait about 5-6 weeks and see how you went. Gently tug at the cuttings to feel for new roots.

If roots have formed, cut the bag a bit and slowly open it over a few days.

Now you have some free plants!

How to strike a frangipani next time.
