Don’s Tips: Crook Lawns


Crook Lawns

How’s your lawn?  Is it lush and green or is it a bit messy and ugly?

Well, if you have bare spots or weedy spots in the lawn, don’t do what everyone else does.  Everyone uses toxic sprays on the bad areas and the trouble may seem fixed for a few months but it returns year after year after year.

What do you do?  Well crook areas in lawn with bindii or whatever, are usually caused by a compacted soil and too much foot traffic.

So, rent a power lawn aerator from an equipment hire company & thoroughly aerate the lawn.  Then apply some liquid dolomite (Eco-flo Dolomite) and some lawn food – such as Scott’s Lawn Builder.

Water it all in well.

Now rope the area off to avoid foot traffic for a while.  Maybe ask the family to keep the sides of the lawn in future.

Problem solved.
