Don’s Tips: Coloured Carrots


Coloured Carrots

Winter is a good time to grow carrots. There are many varieties of carrots that you can grow at home. Some are round like golf balls, but the best in my opinion are the various different coloured carrots.

These are sold in seed packets usually with the name Rainbow Carrots. The colours are wonderful – purple, white, yellow, orange-reds, etc.

The flavours are really good too. When friends are coming around for a meal surprise them with a rainbow salad with coloured lettuce and coloured carrots.

These colours are an excellent enticement for kids to eat healthier food.

Carrots are dead easy to grow, just give them a sunny position and not too much fertilizer.

Don’t grow them in the same spot each year, – i.e. rotate your crops.

Happy rainbows to everyone.

Hooroo! Don.