Don’s Tips: Chooks Not Laying


Chooks Not Laying

It’s very common for your chooks to cease laying eggs over winter.

Most chooks tend to have their annual moult in late autumn & into winter. This is a stressful and tough time for the chooks, hence they cease laying eggs. During this time the chooks need extra feeding as well as protection from draughts. They also need access to morning sun to keep them healthy.

Modern commercial egg laying chickens like Isa Browns and White Leghorns produce around 300 eggs per year – but only for about 18 months to 2 years, after that their egg production drops dramatically.

Breeds like Black Australorps produce less eggs in years 1 & 2 but far more eggs over 5 years or so. These are by far the better choice for backyards.

Anyway most chooks cease laying over winter.

Hooroo! Don.