Don’s Tips: Blokes Creating Plants


Creating plants – a frangipani cutting being planted in a pot for regrowth

This is a story for the blokes out there.  Women tell us that we can’t create life!  They seem to be unaware that 50% of the creation of any baby is due to males of the species. 

Anyway, enough of women’s problems.

Us blokes can create new life ALL BY OURSELVES.

Taking cuttings of CERTAIN PLANTS in Winter makes any BLOKE an EARTH MOTHER.

Frangipanis, roses, hydrangeas, grapes & wisteria will all strike from CUTTINGS TAKEN NOW.

Cut frangipanis off about 30cm (1 ft.) long and dry them out beside the house on concrete for 1-2 weeks.  Then pot them up and keep them just moist until November.  Then give them heaps of water.

All of the others grow from 20cm cuttings in a sand/peat mix now.

Create life guys!

Hooroo! Don