Don’s Tips – Bindii Spray


Bindii Spray

Most people know that you can remove non-grassy weeds from most lawns by using Bindii spray.

Bindii spray will kill bindii, clover, creeping oxalis and most broad-leaved weeds from most lawns. The very old-fashioned prickly, bluish buffalo grass doesn’t respond well to this spray, but modern soft-leaved buffalos & other grasses are fine.

But here is the tip: wait until late autumn or winter before you spray. If you spray your lawn for bindii, clover or creeping oxalis while the lawn is still in active growth, the lawn may be damaged.

So remember, spray in the cooler months, June to August, for broad-leaved weeds in the lawn.

Also, hire a lawn aerator and aerate the lawn as well. This helps to beat the weeds.

Hooroo, Don