Don’s Tips: Autumn Is For Planting


Autumn Is For Planting

This is a wonderful Autumn for planting.  This is THE time to plant most trees, shrubs & flowers.

In the rest of the world, Spring is the planting time since it is a gentle period followed by an equally gentle Summer.

In Australia, however, the Spring periods can be brief and the Summers savage.  So Autumn is our best time to plant.  Our Autumns & Winters are fairly gentle and allow the plants to settle in and produce many roots prior to the stressful Summer ahead.

So, look at your garden.  What needs fixing?  If yours is a new house, put in your major plantings of hedges, trees and flowers now.

Plant up pot plants now too.  This will guarantee a much more successful year in your garden if you do.  The weather now is also much cooler and better for heavy working in the garden.

Autumn is the best time to plant.

Hooroo, Don