Don’s Tips – Attracting Native Birds


Attracting Native Birds

Many of our native animals are struggling to survive in suburban areas of Australia. So whatever you can do to help is really important.

But what can you do?

Well, honey-eating birds really need nectar in autumn and winter. For this, planting banksias is really important. Any banksia will do as they flower in both autumn and winter, providing heaps of food for the birds.  Many grevilleas do the same: ‘Robyn Gordon’, ‘Peaches & Cream’, ‘Moonlight’ and many others are good.

The other group is She Oaks. These trees produce cone-like seed capsules that black cockatoos and red-headed firetail finches feed on. The best she oaks are the black sheoak (Allocasuarina littoralis) and the forest sheoak (Allocasuarina torulosa).

You may need to go to a state forest nursery or a specialist native nursery to find these sheoaks, but you will be glad that you did.

I have glossy black cockatoos that feed and raise each baby in our backyard. This is an immensely satisfying activity for our family.

Try to do something.

Hooroo, Don