Search Results for: lilly+pilly

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Mirrored Courtyard

...ted with wisteria to give shade in the hot summer months. Low lilly pilly hedges (Syzygium australe – select form) are used as an alternative to buxus, which Colin feels is becoming too common. He likes the lilly pillys because they have glossy leaves, new red growth and cream brush flowers followed by magenta berries.   Contact information Colin Brown, Garden Designer. Phone: (02) 9417 5820... read more

Don’s Expert Answers: Transplanting

...ntioned above Upload photo if available: Other Comments: I’m wondering how Lilly pillys go being transplanted. I Have some that are two years old but get too much heat off our colourbond fence in summer. I’m nervous to transplant them because I have quiet a few. They constantly get checked in severe heat but I’d be happy to leave them and ‘baby’ them through the warmer months if they are tricky to transplant. Hope that makes sense. Look forward to... read more

Privacy Plants

Privacy hedge
...e Acmena sp. and Syzygium francisii are psyllid-free. There are some newer lilly pillies that only grow to the height you require, which will save you a huge amount of pruning time. ‘Hot Flush’ (Acmena smithii) grows up to 3m, ‘Little Gem’ (Syzygium francisii) grows to 2-3m, and ‘Goodbye Neighbours’ (Acmena smithii) is a fast growing lily pilly that grows to 10m, which is perfect if you want to screen a two-storey house. Sasanqua camellias are a b... read more

Bird-friendly & Beautiful

...e prickly. The Austromyrtus I have suggested for areas down the sides is a lilly pilly relative and very pretty. It loves part shade. Banksias are critical food sources for many nectar-feeding birds as they flower in autumn-winter when little else flowers. If you don’t like any of the plant groups you could grow paperbarks. The ‘Summer’ series of gum trees – ie, ‘Summer Red’, ‘Summer Beauty’, etc – are also excellent backyard trees. These are poss... read more

Don’s Expert Answers: No Problem

...would you please identify this plant. It has never flowered. Answer: Hi Cliff, I really need flowers to make a solid identification. It is definitely not either a tree or a lillypilly. Maybe it could be a climber like Vinca which has blue/purple flowers when grown in a bit more sunlight. Don... read more

Italianate Courtyard

...irens). The planting is simple, with only three plant species used. A tall lilly pilly hedge (Acmena smithii) each side of the fountain disguises the boundary wall. There are two tiers of clipped box (B. sempervirens), and a wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) has been trained around the windows of the house. A large, electrically operated canvas awning shelters the dining area from the elements.      Further information Paul Bangay is a designer of styl... read more

Mug Proof Plants

...Camellias (including sasanqua camellias & japonica camellias) – 2, 3, 4, 5 Lilly pilly (Acmena smithii, Syzygium leuhmannii and Syzygium australe ‘Select Form’) – all Big Tough Shrubs (1-3m) Abelia (A. x grandiflora) – all Baeckea virgata ‘Howie’s Sweet Midget’ – 2, 3, 4, 5 Camellias (most camellias) – 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Cordyline (C. australis) – all Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’ and ‘Superb’ – all Indian hawthorn (Raphiolepis indica) – 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Japan... read more

New Style Pots

...ow-growing conifers or with topiarised plants such as Buxus or some of the lilly pilly cultivars suitable for clipping such as Syzygium ‘Tiny Trev’ or ‘Blaze’. The less traditional terracotta from Greece can look great planted with an Olive, Oleander, Bougainvillea or Citrus.   There is such a variety of glazed pots from south-east Asia that the application is endless – from simple water bowls in the garden to bold architectural plants such as the... read more

Plants for Wet and Boggy Areas

...ts Blueberry ash (Elaeocarpus reticulatus) Bottlebrushes (Callistemon sp.) Lilly Pilly (Syzygium australe) Native violet (Viola hederacea) Paperbarks (Melaleuca sp.) Swamp banksia (Banksia robur) Swamp lily (Crinum pedunculatum) Tree ferns (Cyathea australis, C. cooperi, Diksonia antarctica) Getting started We filmed our segment at Tim’s Garden Centre, Campbelltown, NSW. Phone: (02) 4626 7022. Your local nursery will advise on plants that will do... read more

Snow Pear Garden

...qua camellias (Camellia sasanqua ‘Setsugekka’) and a formal mini parterre. Lilly pilly cones (Syzygium australe ‘Elite’) surrounded by squares of box hedging give a very formal feel to the back garden. Guy and Jeanette love the garden, and use it just like another room of the house. They find that it is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the company of their children and grandchildren. Although it is not as low maintenance as they would have lik... read more

Don’s Expert Answers: Planted evergreen poplar – but have discovered they aren’t actually evergreen

...em out? Any suggested alternatives would be appreciated. I have considered Lilly Pilly, Tuckeroo, Magnolia, Bay tree. The poplars were not on my list, however the landscaper was unable to find good specimens of the other options on the day we went looking and suggested the poplar since they looked like healthy trees and the nursery told us they would not drop their leaves, but when I got home I did some research on the variety because my neighbour... read more

Microcarpa Var. Hilli Flash As A Hedge

...icus microcarpa var Hillii. It is a nasty tree with terribly invasive roots that can cause enormous damage as much as 30-50 metres away. Select a lilly pilly instead. The berries should not prove a problem. Don  ... read more