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Best Plants for Topiary
...Philip Pratt, who actually produces these plants for the nursery industry. Lilly pilly (Syzygium australe ‘Elite’) Australian native lilly pillys are becoming very popular for hedging and general ornamental use. They produce flowers and attractive berries as well as interesting foliage, so many garden designers are using them as an alternative to box. Syzygium australe ‘Elite’ is easily Philip’s favourite. It is a tidy plant that isn’t usually tro...
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Don’s Expert Answers: We have 6 Backyard Blitz Lilly Pillys where the new growth on top is being eaten by a small green catapiller
...that name for a plant. There is a plant Syzygium paniculatum ‘Backyard Bliss’ where the people are improperly trying to trade off on our registered name. This species of lillypilly is prone to insect attack and usually grows way too big for domestic gardens. We do not recommend it. Don...
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How to Grow a Hedge
...ries. Another reason to choose ‘Dusky’ is that Acmena smithii varieties of lilly pilly are resistant to the lilly pilly psyllid (Trioza eugeniae). This tiny native insect causes ugly dimpling on the foliage, which is the last thing you want to see on your stylish hedge or topiary. Preparation and planting Don dug over the garden bed to aerate and freshen up the soil. To give the plants a good start, he added some cow manure and then forked in some...
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Communal Garden
...le (Lagerstroemia indica), red flowering gum (Eucalyptus ‘Summer Beauty’), lilly pilly (Acmena smithii ‘Minipilly’), coast rosemary (Westringia fruticosa), thryptomene (Thryptomene saxicola). Grevillea Lilly pilly Scrub cherry Kangaroo paw Coast banksia Fan flower Cost and availability We used mature plants in our makeover to create an instant effect for television. Our total cost of plants and materials was $11,652 This could be reduce...
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Wombats as sperm is collected before the animals are returned back to the wild. Data collected from the musters help manage populations as well has monitor the impacts of climate change on the species. Data from these SA studies is also used to help conservation efforts for the northern hairy-nosed wombat. For the last two years Dr Elisa Sparrow has been running Wombat Workshops in all the southern hairy-nosed wombat regions – eight workshops in total....
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Regent Honeyeater
...and location. Volunteers need only a pair of binoculars, a field guide and data supplied by the organisers of the project. The last project like this was run 20 years ago and had 3000 volunteers, while the current project has only 500 volunteers, organiser Geoff Barrett is hoping more people will volunteer. The aim of the new project is to compare the new bird atlas with the earlier data to see if any comparisons or conclusions can be drawn. For m...
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Deck Makeover
...emishaded parts of the deck and also be good long-term potted plants. This lilly pilly produces pink flushes of new growth and has decorative purple berries. On a sunny north-facing wall we installed a kitchen herb garden using the Smart-valve automatic watering technology. Materials Balustrade Removing the lattice was easy by using a small hacksaw to cut through the nails which held the panels to the uprights. Stainless steel balustrade wire (3mm...
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Don’s Expert Answers: Friend gave me some strappy delicate pale blue and white folower lilly? What is it and does it like full sun
...problem: Friend gave me some strappy delicate pale blue and white folower lilly? What is it and does it like full sun Type of Plant (if known): as above Symptoms of Plant Illness (please try NOT to diagnose your problems yourself): NIL Soil Type (e.g. sandy, clay or loam) OR Potting Mix Type: loam How often do you water the plant: winter once week, summer daily How many hours of sunlight does the plant get each day: 6-8 How long since you planted...
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Up Front
...ron ‘Xanadu’; salvia ‘Bonfire’. Turf: Buffalo ‘Sir Walter’. photinia dwarf lilly pilly gardenia alternanthera hebe salvia Buffalo ‘Sir Walter’ Cost and availability We used mature plants to create an instant effect for television. Our total cost of plants and materials was $9622. Savings are possible using smaller plants ($7941). Plants are available at nurseries or can be ordered in. Most other materials are available from large hardware stores,...
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...lose too many buds. Take you plant inside, being sure to place it on a saucer so it don’t stain your floor. Adorn it with decorations. You can keep your lilly pilly indoors for 10 days to 2 weeks, then it must return to the outdoors....
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Colour Wheel
...spray can. Hedge plants Any dwarf hedging plant can be used. We used a new lilly pilly called Acmena smithii ‘Hedgemaster’. This small-leaved shrub is due to be released nationally next year, although from October small quantities should be available from Swane’s Nursery, Dural, NSW. Phone: (02) 9651 1322. Annuals Our scheme uses different coloured pansies (named varieties are listed below). However, any low-growing annual would be suitable (for e...
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House Facelift
...en trimmed to shape. Step 12 – Brick planter boxes were planted with dwarf lilly pilly and trimmed to shape. Materials Garden edging: Tuscan Stone (Sandstone colour) bullnose 375 x 375 x 40mm thick. Price: $17 each. Exclusive to Amber. Available at their stores in Sydney, Newcastle, Gosford, Wollongong, ACT. Phone: 13 22 41 Tiles to balcony: ‘Landau’ made by Eureka Tiles. Square body tile, $33.95 per square metre supply only Bullnose stair tile, $...
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