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Plants produce most of their annual growth over the next few weeks, so it is important to fertilise them now.

Lawns: use a complete lawn food, an organic food such as Dynamic Lifter formulated for lawns, or a slow-release lawn fertiliser such as Scotts Lawn Builder. For an even application, Don recommends using a fertiliser spreader.

Pot plants: use slow-release fertilisers such as Osmocote or Nutricote. For fast action use a liquid food such as Nitrosol or Aquasol.

Most plants: use Dynamic Lifter, slow release fertiliser, blood and bone, manures, or liquid Nitrosol or Aquasol (for ease of use, liquid fertilisers can be applied via a hose end sprayer).

Note: plants should be watered well before and after fertilising.

Further information

Fertiliser spreaders are sold at hardware stores and some nurseries. Small (hand held) fertiliser spreaders cost around $25. Large fertiliser spreaders cost around $90.