Don’s Tips: Summer Blessings


Flowering frangipani trees

In the stinking hot days of summer, some plants are really happy.

Tropical plants love steamy hot weather, so now is the time to plant your Balinese garden, your rainforest garden or your Thai Escape garden.

This is an ideal time to plant bougainvilleas with their stunning shimmering colours. Or palms, to create your own Garden of Eden.

Now also is the perfect weather for white flowering gardenias & frangipanis that flower in so many colours: red, purple, orange, yellow, white and all sorts of combinations.

What about tropical fruit plants like avocados, bananas, paw paws (papaya really) & lychees.

If you plant tropical plants now they will have time to settle in and develop the strength needed to survive the coming winter.

Think tropical plants Now!

Hooroo! Don